
The harpsicorpse is a musical instrument I built that is controlled by body parts and images. The original idea was to make an instrument that responded to bodies on screen so that I could feed in movie scenes and generate a score from the movements, gestures, and expressions of the people within the scene. I was interested in how to translate the visually expressive human body into a musically expressive instrument.

Below are a few tests I have run with the instrument, along with the github repo where you can find the code to run the harpsicorpse yourself.

Harpsicorpse Camcord Test (April 5th, 2024)

Harpsicorpse Webcam Test (April 5th, 2024)

Harpsicorpse Malina Test (April 5th, 2024)

Here is the link to the github repository for the harpsicorpse: Harpsicorpse Repo