
Hi, I’m Alex Hecksher. I’ve been animating and working on films for a few years now. I live in LA and work on my own animation projects in my free time.

I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2021 with a degree in computer science and a minor in film and media studies. Since then I have worked as a script reader, a production assistant, a technical assistant, and a variety of other roles on film projects and at studios. You can check my resume page on my website for a full list of projects I’ve worked on.

As I’ve mentioned, in my free time I work on my own animation projects. I prefer to work in 2D, hand-drawn animation. Although, I’ve also experimented with different types of animation, such as puppet, stop-motion, and 3D animation.

I also work on generative art projects from time to time. I find that it’s a good synthesis of my computer skills and my artistic pursuits. I mainly use P5js or Processing. For some great tutorials on the two programming languages I would recommend the Coding Train with Daniel Shiffman.

On top of that, I enjoy working on my photography. I have two cameras, one digital camera (Canon Rebel T6) and one film camera (Minolta X700). I love being able to work both within digital and film photography, and I enjoy experimenting with different homemade lenses and DIY camera projects.

Lastly, I do some audio work. Similar to the generative art, using software tools like Max MSP, PureData, and Supercollider allow me to use my technical abilities for creative ends. For great tutorials on Supercollider I would highly recommend Eli Fieldsteel’s youtube channel. He is an associate professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne.

You can check out a list of my projects on my home page. I will try to keep it updated with my finished and on-going projects. And if you want to reach out to me with any questions or commissions you can use my contact page to get in touch.